Acupuncture with or without needles
Acupuncture with or without needles
Acupuncture is one of the oldest continuously practiced medical systems in the world.
Chi or vital energy flows throughout the body via a series of meridians. If the flow is not harmonious or chi is blocked good health will be compromised.
Returning flow to the meridians is done through the use of needles, magnets, massage and moxibustion (burning of certain herbs or other techniques).
Medical Qi Gong is the noninvasive application of Qi Gong to another person. The practitioner uses Qi to redirect, clear, and restore the patient’s own Qi flow. This is done by sending Qi directly (with or without touching) into organs or channels to remove blockages or stagnation.
Moxa is an herb processed from the Mugwort plant. It is placed on the body and through a system that heats the herb it helps to strengthen the immune system, warm the body, and dispel cold and damp. It also stimulates circulation by bringing Qi and blood to the area.
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