Acupuncture with or without needles
Acupuncture with or without needles
For thousands of years, people have used acupuncture to cure what ails them.
Now, here in Central Massachusetts, the practice is building momentum, according to Joe Foley of Ancient Wisdom Healing Arts, which provides acupuncture treatments, Tai Chi, and Qigong sessions.
“Many people come to acupuncture because they believe traditional medicine has failed them,” Foley said in a recent interview. “So, when they come to us, they feel they have nothing to lose.”
An estimated 36% of adults in the US use complementary and alternative medicine, according to a survey by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a component of the National Institute of Health (NIH).
Acupuncture, aiming to balance the flow of energy within the body, is one of the most common forms of alternative medicine. And as more insurance companies realize that acupuncture is a cost-effective modality, and more of their enrollees request coverage, it is becoming more financially accessible to more people.
Foley is a 2021 graduate of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Science. He has since joined the team at Ancient Wisdom, which is 17 years old and helmed by Foley’s professional partner and mentor, Lisa Spellman. Lisa Spellman also attended New England School of Acupuncture, and has extensive experience in the medical industry, having been on staff at Boston Medical Center (as an acupuncturist) for 10 years in Oncology, Pediatrics, and Family Medicine.
Ancient Wisdom recently moved to its current location Westborough after formerly operating in Southborough.
‘It’s a very relaxing space’
On a typical day inside Ancient Wisdom, patients arrive for appointments around 10 a.m. and file into one of three rooms, where they’re interviewed and then treated. “It’s a very relaxing space with soft lighting,” Foley said. “When you walk into our practice, you’re going to feel calm.”
“Most folks do not even feel the needles going in”, said Foley. And in truth, the practice predates needles. There is evidence of acupuncture that dates back 5,000 years, and it involves many other modalities to support the flow of energy in each individual.
At Ancient Wisdom, Foley said they treat everyone from pediatric to geriatric patients. Most suffer with some form of pain.
Spellman treats patients with many issues including digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, cancer, and an assortment of other chronic ailments.
Foley said the most common question the public pose is “Does acupuncture really work?’’
“We can treat a wide range of things people don’t know about,” he said, adding that “Chinese medicine, which includes acupuncture, is the longest continually practiced medicine in the world.”
“People have been doing this for a long time,” he said.
Learn more
The risks of acupuncture are low and common side effects might include soreness and minor bruising.
Most acupuncture practitioners use single-use disposable needles to minimize the risks of infection.
With patients seeking care and getting results, Foley predicts plenty of room for expansion in Ancient Wisdom’s future.
Ancient Wisdom is located at 69 Milk Street, Suite 205 in Westborough.
To learn more call 508-871-6035 or 508-460-0444.
Westborough business offers healing through acupuncture
By Jeff Theodore
Contributing Writer, WESTBOROUGH
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