Acupuncture with or without needles
Acupuncture with or without needles
Joe Foley
Qi (chi) is the driving force of life processes (vital energy). Qi supplies organs with energy, supports the immune system, and helps drive all bodily functions. When Qi is flowing smoothly through the body, health is easily maintained. When Qi is blocked or stagnated, pain and disease can result. The greater the blockage the more severe the disease.
Using different modalities my goal is to promote energy flow and remove blockages in the body’s energy systems (meridians/channels). This improves blood circulation, organ function and balances the immune system. When all the systems of the body are harmonized, health improves, energy increases, metabolism is more efficient, and the mind is more relaxed.
Acupuncture treats the root or cause of the illness, pain or disease, while Western medicine treats the symptoms. Treatments can be administered with or without using needles. Click Here for some of the conditions we treat.
Medical Qi Gong is the noninvasive application of Qi Gong to another person. The practitioner uses Qi to redirect, clear, and restore the patient’s own Qi flow. This is done by sending Qi directly (with or without touching) into organs or channels to remove blockages or stagnation.
Moxa is an herb processed from the Mugwort plant. It is placed on the body and through a system that heats the herb it helps to strengthen the immune system, warm the body, and dispel cold and damp. It also stimulates circulation by bringing Qi and blood to the area.
Qi Gong (energy exercise) is a system of gentle exercises used for thousands of years to improve health, vitality and overcome disease. Like acupuncture it is a component of Chinese Medicine. Through gentle stretching, deep breathing, and visualization these exercises harmonize the metabolism, improve balance, flexibility, and circulation.
We are happy to come to see you if you are within 20 minutes of Westborough, MA
Give us a call and come on in to see us!
508-871-6035 or, if you prefer send us an email.
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